Kelly Trettin

Kelly was born and raised in Costa Mesa, California. She has been practicing hot yoga since the fall of 2006 after a friend at UC Santa Cruz recommended the Bikram method. In the spring of 2007 she graduated with a BA in Psychology. That fall, she moved back home and went straight back to working at her family’s business, Side Street Café in Costa Mesa. She missed the emotional, physical, and mental stability that came about when practicing hot yoga on a consistent basis, so she researched the Internet and fate led her to Yoga Tribe. Kelly attended her first class at Yoga Tribe on New Year’s Day of 2008. Immediately she was drawn to the warmth and kindness expressed in the teachers and students alike. Unfortunately, pressing family obligations surfaced and once more Kelly took a break from hot yoga. Finally, after two and a half years of experiencing the highs and lows of her practice (or lack there of), Kelly returned to Yoga Tribe in the spring of 2009.

Kelly completed Yoga Tribe's 200 Hour Hot Yoga Teacher Training in 2010. She has been consistent with her practice ever since, and even completed her own 100 day challenge where she practiced everyday for 100 consecutive days. Kelly’s deep love and appreciation for the practice of hot yoga stems from the fact that for 90 minutes out of her day she is not swept away by the horizontal way of life—the fast paced, non-stop, go, go, go way of life that is so common for many people in Orange County. Being in the heated room with her practice is her happy place! It’s where she can escape the compulsive thoughts of everyday life and completely immerse herself in the present moment, the here and now. In teaching, she strives to help others help themselves in getting to that place. Her intention for every class she teaches is to be as present as possible with fellow practitioners.

Jason Wilkerson