Carissa Crane

Carissa began practicing yoga in 2009. She loved the challenge, the variety of styles and adaptability for any physical condition. As an athlete her entire life, being active has always been a priority but after enduring several injuries playing sports and long distance running became increasingly difficult.

Yoga is an amazing workout physically, mentally and spiritually. There is a balance brought about by a consistent practice. She found and started practicing regularly at Yoga Tribe in April 2021. Carissa was drawn to the community. She loves living in Huntington Beach, being a part of this family and the commitment they share for their health and wellness.

She decided to complete a 30 day challenge in January and that inspired her to commit to the 200 hour Hot Yoga Immersion program in March. The program deepened her own practice, her knowledge of yoga and further reinforced the transformational effects of yoga that she has experienced throughout her years of practice. Carissa began teaching at Yoga Tribe in August 2022. 

She feels blessed by the opportunity to share her excitement and love for yoga and the incredible Yoga Tribe hot series. She hopes that each time you practice yoga you feel uplifted and find joy in the journey.

Carissa has a bachelor's degree in psychology and a masters degree in education. When she is not practicing or teaching you can find her with her family at the beach.

Jason Wilkerson